- For the first time in human history, we can watch the moment a rover sets its wheels down on Mars. Released today, the asto... - Fitness instructor Khing Hnin Wai has been filming herself performing aerobics on the same street in Myanmar's capital city for ...
Jakarta, - It’s a sad day for instant noodle lovers in Indonesia and all around the world as we mourn the passing of Nunuk Nurai...
Jembrana, - Vaksin Covid-19 untuk Kabupaten Jembrana, sudah tiba Selasa (26/1) dan langsung disimpan di ruang pendingin Gudang Farmasi...
Denpasar, - Sehari setelah pengurus Aliansi Jurnalis Video (AJV) Provinsi Bali dibentuk, kegiatan pun berlanjut melakukan audiensi per...
Denpasar, - Dalam pertemuan perdana Aliansi Jurnalis Video (AJV) berkomitmen membentuk kepengurusan untuk propinsi Bali. Pertemu...
DENPASAR, - Lolok adalah suvenir berbentuk penis, organ intim pria dari Bali. Namun lolok berasal dari benda bersejarah yang disebut l...
Jembrana, - Banjir bandang yang menghantam Desa Medewi, Kecamatan Pekutatan, Kabupaten Jembrana membuat anggota pasemetonan transport ...
Badung, - Dalam upaya menjalin komunikasi dalam menyebarluaskan informasi program-program Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung dengan para peng...
Jembrana, - Pasca banjir bandang Bupati Jembrana terpilih I Nengah Tamba Kembali menyalurkan bantuan berupa sembako kepada korban benc...
Jembrana, - Sebagai wujud kepedulian terhadap korban bencana banjir bandang, Kapolres Jembrana AKBP I Ketut Gede Adi Wibawa, S.I.K, me...
Rome, - Archaeologists in Pompeii, the city buried in a volcanic eruption in 79 AD, have made the extraordinary find of a frescoe...
Jakarta, - Moorissa Tjokro menjadi satunya-satunya perempuan WNI di tim perangkat lunak Autopilot Tesla Inc. ... - Josua Hutagalung, a 33-year-old man from Sumatra, probably wasn’t best pleased when the 2.1kg space rock crashed through his v...
Singaraja, - Tourism is the largest that was most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The province of Bali, which has made tourism a le...
Denpasar, - The Bali Hotels Association has began promoting Bali’s tourism reopening through a new program called “Bali, A...
Jembrana, - During the waiting assignment, many cruise ship crew member have changed their livelihoods, one of the most is cultivating...
Denpasar, - The new ferry route from Ketapang Port in Java to Lombok in now open which has helped reduce traffic congestion from Gilim...
Gianyar, - The COVID-19 pandemic has strike globally and also in Indonesia since the beginning of 2020. This situation has had an impa...
Tabanan, - Meliling's Nasi Angin, refers to an Balinese dish of a scoop of nasi putih (white rice) accompanied by small portions o...