Rujak Buah comes in mouth-watering varieties

Photo: - Many tourists are anthusiastic about promoting Rujak Buah in Bali (mixed sliced fruit served with spicy palm sugar dressing), especially young consumer and local tourist in Bali.

Warung (food stall) is an essential part has attracted local food lovers, for visitor wanting to eat rujak per serving. Social media including facebook and through this networking, rujak has bocome the talk of netizens.

The origin of rujak is unclear and there is a quite a number of variations across South East Asia but what history says is that Rujak is one of the oldest dishes out there, it is also the earliest historically identified food of ancient Java.

Roughly created around 901 CE (very early 10th century from the era of Mataram Kingdom in Central Java where it was incorporated into their prenatal ceremony called Naloni Mitoni, where it was believed that young mango and other sour-tasting fruits are craved by pregnant women.

Rujak is a fruit salad mostly used selected fruits commonly are jambu air (water apple), nanas (pineapple), mangga (mangoes), bengkuang (jicama), mentimun (cucumber), papaya, and snake fruit dressed in a dressing prepared with water, palm sugar, tamarind, shrimp paste, salt, and bird’s eye chili.

This kind of culinary offering such Its a mouth-watering experience, definitely a lot of happening in one bite, sweet, sour, salty, pungent, fruit, savoury, it's a rock party in your tongue and if you are not used to this type of combination, we bet this will be one hell of an experience.

Do you think you would like it? If yes try to make one at home, it’s quite easy and even who wanted to diversity of taste's. []


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