VIDEO: A Glimpse into Dangerous Car Stunts

Photo credits: Obtained

DENPASAR, - Here is the video showing the dangerous actions of two young men while driving on the Mandara Toll Road in Bali. These two passengers stick half of their bodies out and sit in the car window while the car is moving.

From the video, one of the passengers casually records himself with a cell phone without wearing a shirt. This amateur video was known to have occurred on Friday (2/2) around 16:25 WITA.

From the investigation, it was found that the car belongs to Gusti Edi from Jembrana. It was then entrusted to be rented out to his friend in the Abian Base Badung area. The vehicle was then rented by two young men with the initials MA and IN.

The Bali Regional Police urge the public, especially rental owners, to provide guidance to renters. To always obey traffic rules and respect the customs and culture that exist in Bali. (NB)


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