Today! International Coffee Day: A Celebration of Coffee and Its People

There’s nothing like a cup of coffee and some fried plantain to celebrate coffee day. PHOTO:

DENPASAR, - Today is International Coffee Day, a day to celebrate and appreciate coffee as a beverage and to raise awareness for the challenges faced by the coffee growers and producers.

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks in the world, with an estimated 2.25 billion cups consumed every day. Coffee is also a source of livelihood for millions of people, especially in developing countries, where it is often the main export crop.

However, coffee production is not without its difficulties. Coffee farmers have to deal with the impacts of climate change, pests and diseases, volatile prices, and unfair trade practices. Many coffee farmers struggle to make a decent living and to ensure the sustainability of their farms and communities.

That is why International Coffee Day is not only a celebration of coffee, but also a recognition of the people behind it. The theme of this year’s International Coffee Day is “Coffee’s Got Soul”, which aims to highlight the stories, cultures, and values of the coffee world.

The International Coffee Organization (ICO), which organizes the event, invites coffee lovers and stakeholders to join the conversation and share their passion for coffee on social media using the hashtag #InternationalCoffeeDay.

There are also various events and activities planned around the world to mark the occasion, such as coffee tastings, workshops, exhibitions, webinars, and more. Some of these events are listed on the official website of International Coffee Day, where you can also find more information about the history and significance of this global event.

Who started International Coffee Day?

International Coffee Day was first declared by the International Coffee Organization (ICO) in 2015. The ICO is an intergovernmental organization established in London in 1963 to promote and administer the International Coffee Agreement, which regulates the global coffee trade and market.

The ICO decided to organize International Coffee Day on October 1 to create a single day of celebration for coffee lovers around the world. The first official International Coffee Day was launched in Milan as part of Expo 2015.

So, whether you prefer your coffee hot or cold, black or white, espresso or latte, join us in celebrating International Coffee Day and honoring the people who make it possible. Cheers! (NB)


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