Whale Shark Wash Up on Beach in Pekutatan

JEMBRANA, NETIZENBALI.com - A whale shark was found washed ashore on Pekutatan Beach in Jembrana regency, Bali. Unfortunately, the whale shark died hours later, reportedly due to exhaustion, A lot of plastic waste was found in the stomach of the dead whale shark. The carcass of the whale shark, which measured 8.27 meters in length and 4.1 meters in width, was buried in the Pekutatan Beach area.
Head of the Denpasar Coastal and Marine Resources Management Center (BPSPL), Getreda Melsina Hehanussa, said that in the stomach of the whale shark that died stranded on Banjar Yeh Kuning Beach, Pekutatan Village, a lot of plastic waste was found.
"In the necropsy or surgical contents of the whale shark and taking samples of the meat and organs found some plastic waste in the whale shark hull," said Getreda, Friday, September 29. Meanwhile, the cause of the whale's death is not yet known and is awaiting laboratory test results.
"The cause of death is currently uncertain and we are waiting for the results of the lab test which we will convey at the first opportunity," he added.
The whale shark carcass has been buried in the Pekutatan Beach area, using heavy equipment. In addition, BPSPL Denpasar together with related agencies made measurements, and took samples and sizes of whale sharks with a total length of 8.27 meters and a width of 4.1 meters, male gender, and no injuries were found on the whale shark's body.
"The whale shark is a fully protected marine biota through the Decree of the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Number 18 of 2013 concerning the determination of the full protection status of whale sharks or rhincodon typus," he said. (NB/ voi.id)
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