Bali tourist on scooter "caught on camera" over not wearing helmet

Photo credits: Screengrab

DENPASAR, - A video of tourists riding scooters without helmets through the Dewa Ruci underpass in Bali went viral on social media. The video was uploaded by the Instagram account @infodenpasar on Monday (31/1/2022).

In the video, it can be seen that there are around 10 foreigners riding motorcycles without helmets. They were seen passing through the Dewa Ruci underpass, which is known to be one of the busiest underpasses in Bali.

The video has received various comments from netizens. Some of them criticized the tourist's for not wearing helmets, while others praised them for being brave enough to ride motorcycles without helmet.

“This is very dangerous. They should have worn helmets,” commented one netizen.

“Wow, they are so brave. I don’t dare to ride a motorcycle without a helmet,” wrote another netizen.

As of now, whether the boys have been identified and given penalties for not wearing helmets is still unknown. (NB)


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